Sound Writng Aaron L

Sound Writing

 I hear dog splashing along waves, joyfully barking. Woof Woof!
 I hear the children, playfully laughing. Ha Ha!

I hear the seagulls, screeching high in the sky, looking down at the shore. Squawk Squawk!

I hear the boat, gently humming to itself, making its way through the waves. Hmmmm.

I hear the wind sailor, making smooth ripples as he glides through the water.

I hear the sea, peacefully lapping against the sand. Shhhh shhhhhh.

 by Aaron L

Sound Scape

Sleepy Sound Scape

I walked in to my bedroom my slippers slowly thumping:
thump, thump, thump.  
As I pull my blankets up for warmth I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.  
Faintly I can hear my dad snoring like a small lion roaring: 
roar, roar,roar.  
As I sleep I can hear the strong wind tearing branches off trees: 
woosh, woosh, woosh.  
As I sleep I can hear a rooster screeching. 
And then suddenly the curtains open and my  mum yells, 
“wake up, time to go to school.” 
My eyes slowly open like two creaking doors. 

By Emma

In the movie ''Hachi'' By Christine

I was watching this sad movie  called Hachi. But suddenly i'm in the movie...

The dog was barking with joy playing fetch and the people were talking in the swishing breeze on a hot summer day. And mowing the grass while some blades of grass were getting chopped off like it was a person enjoying music and dancing side to side. But one day it was snowing! The owner dived to the train station  to go to work while the dog was waiting for him but the man died of a train crash. But the dog Hachi didn't know so it was waiting for the whole winter like a statue and started dying slowly, when suddenly one day it dies. Then everyone cried about the owner and the dog and it sounded like lions roaring in the rain and they never saw then again. 


Another sound story.

Part One
As soon as I walk in I can hear the hum of people talking in English, Japanese, Chinese, some languages I don't even know coming out of different doors, looking super jet lagged and tired. I try to think but it is to noisy, like a massive chant, La, Bonjour, Sup, Wow, Konnichiwa, all together making it sound like a loud chant.

We head to the check in area but first get our suitcase bag tag thing. Beep Beep it scans our plane tickets and then prints our bag tag. " What" my dad says. I read the machine's screen it says that it doesn't think our flight is actually going to happen. We look around and see other confused faces. " What's going on" my sister asks?

So we've been at the airport 5 minutes and already we're super confused. We go to the help desk, but before we get there their are these people who are on the same flight as us that we talk to. We look up on the screen that says the flights coming and departure, we somehow learn that our flight is cancelled because there wasn't enough people on the flight. Stomp Stomp Stomp Stomp, suddenly a heap of people start rushing to the help desk, all wanting to know one thing. What flight were we going to go on now?

Moon Pool

The moon pool

I scramble up the rock, all I hear is sound of the sea and it's waves.
the air smells salty,constantly I hear water crashing against rock .
a suspishous path apair's,I scamble towards it.winding and twisting
I make my way down hearing small bit's of rock crumbling under my weight.
A small glow forms a pool apairs.the moon shines down on it and water pours in the sound of rain fulls the cave.
i'v found a moon Niamh

The Beach

I can hear the sound of a dog splashing in the sea the water flying everywhere splash splash splash                                                                                        Woof Woof Woof.
                I hear the sounds of the waves overlapping the beach whoosh splish splash.

         I hear the sound of children laughing blissfully well playing on the beach. Ha ha ha.

 I wish not to hear the sound of the seagull screeching non stop, annoying everyone that can hear it.

                             Motor Boat
        In the distance I can hear a motor boat, its engine making a racket. Vroom Vroom.

Sounds of the beach

       Sound words                       Descriptive words

Dogs- cheerfully wading through the water  woof! woof!

Children- laughing and squealing as the cold clear water washes over their toes  splash! hahaha!

Seagulls- soaring overhead, searching for food  screech!

Waves- gently cruising along the sea  whoosh!

Boat- deeply humming and groaning  huummm! grooaannn!

Windsurfer- gliding on top of the waves  aarrgghhh!!!!!